Latest Project News

LKAB shuts down production LKAB is limiting the production of raw materials in the mines.
Anna Broberg Anna Broberg
Project News
Bengt Dahlgren launches sustainability division Dennis Fredin to lead construction firm's new sustainability initiative
Anna Broberg Anna Broberg
64 refugees from Ukraine secure jobs in Swedish construction industry "It has exceeded our expectations, and we are extremely pleased." said Maria Nordin, Business Developer at Galaxen Bygg and project
Anna Broberg Anna Broberg
Bravida to install for SEK 500 million The project includes all technical installations for the building as well as structural completions. “We are proud and delighted to have won yet another exciting project. It’s further proof that...
AI Editor AI Editor
Project News
1,750 apartments halted in Stockholm “There are significant economic uncertainties surrounding the project. The costs of dismantling this large traffic infrastructure are high,” says City Planning Commissioner Jan Valeskog (S) to...
AI Editor AI Editor
Infrastructure News
NYAB to replace railway switches for SEK 140M “This is one of our larger railway projects to date, where we’ve won significant contracts recently. We are very proud of the trust placed in us and humbled by the task, which demonstrates...
AI Editor AI Editor