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Vision unveiled to develop Malmö, Sweden

21/05/2024, 09:08
Vision unveiled to develop Malmö, Sweden
Norra Sundskajen - a visionpresentation from Kanozi Arkitekter, Riksbyggen och Sundprojekt.
Anna Broberg Anna Broberg
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The vision, titled Norra Sundskajen (Northern Waterfront), proposes building 11 residential buildings with around 250 apartments constructed on piers over the water. This could add much-needed housing in Malmö without encroaching on valuable agricultural land.

“This vision does much more than provide attractive waterfront living. It makes Ön accessible to more residents while preserving the unique natural area in the northern part. Between and in front of the buildings, we create new recreational spaces with swimming and piers open to the public,” explained Daniel Hohenthal, Chief Architect at Kanozi.

New Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge

The proposal also includes a planned openable bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, connecting northern Ön to the mainland. This would provide an alternative route beyond the current road access.

“A bridge for pedestrians and cyclists relieves the existing road link, giving locals better proximity from Ön to central Malmö,” said Anders Jeppsson from Riksbyggen.

City officials view the vision as an intriguing example of preserving nature while increasing public access to the waterfront near existing neighborhoods like Limhamn.

#malmo #riksbyggen #sweden